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developer certificate

Chantha HUY

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon July 28,2023 at 1:23 PM

Dear OpenBots team,

I am writing to request that you unlock my account so that I can take the quizzes I need to pass the exam. I have not been able to pass the quizzes because my account is locked.

I understand that you may have locked my account because I have been acess more time to quiz. However, I believe that I can pass the quizzes if I am given the opportunity. I have been studying for the exams and I am confident that I can pass them.

I would be grateful if you would unlock my account so that I can take the quizzes and pass the exam.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, Chantha

This forum has 46 topics, 112 replies, and was last updated 4 days ago by Faheem Syed

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